Currency Exchanger

This tool is provided as-is and without warranty. Enter the current prices from the game's various stores & exchanges, then click Submit to see the prices converted to different game currencies.
How many Zen can you buy for each US dollar? (from PerfectWorldEntertainment)
How much does a Master Key cost, in Zen? (from the Zen store)
How much does a Master Key cost, in EC? (from the Exchange)
How much dilithium can you buy for 1 Zen? (from the Dilithium Exchange)
Information about the circumstances, such as in-game sales or events.

Based on the numbers above:

  • $1 US = 100 Zen,
  • 1 Key = 112.5 Zen,
  • 1 Key = 10900000 EC,
  • 1 Zen = 500 Dilithium,

$1.00 US = 100 Zen = 0.89 Keys = 9,688,889 EC = 50,000 dilithium

1 Zen = $0.0100 = 96,889 EC = 500 dilithium

1 Key = $1.1250 = 113 Zen = 10,900,000 EC = 56,250 dilithium

Upgrade Costs

1 Phoenix box = 4000 dilithium = $0.0800 = 8.00 Zen = 775,111 EC

1 Phoenix Upgrade (~1.7 per box) = 2,286 dilithium = $0.0471 = 4.71 Zen = 455,948 EC

1 Omega Upgrade (Quality) = 5500 dilithium = $0.1100 = 11.00 Zen = 1,065,778 EC

1 Omega Upgrade (Mark) = 3000 dilithium = $0.0600 = 6.00 Zen = 581,333 EC

Other Common Items

T6 Ship from C-Store = 3000 Zen = $30.0000 = 290,666,667 EC = 1,500,000 dilithium