Control your bridge officers (boffs) with one key. I use the “B” key, because B is for Bridge Officer!
B | Tell all pets (boffs and any combat pets) to attack your current target. |
Shift+B | On the first press, set a waypoint for your first boff. On the next press, set a waypoint for your second bridge officer. Each subsequent press will cycle through your bridge officers to set individual waypoints. |
Alt+B | Toggles between setting a group rally point and clearing all rally points. Notes: If any rally points have been set using Shift+B, this will clear all rally points first. Resets Shift+B to the first officer in the cycle. |
Control+B | Toggle your away team between holding their current position and following you. |
NOTICE : This file re-binds the Shooter Mode toggle from the “B” key to “Shift+P”. Nobody should use Shooter Mode on PC, but there it is…
Install and Configure:
Step 1: Download the zip file and copy the files (including the “keybinds” folder) into your game directory:

Step 2: Next, we need to add your away team member names to the files. In the awayteambinds.txt file, find this line and replace “BOFF1_NAME” (highlighted below) with your first bridge officer’s full name:
shift+b "Target BOFF1_NAME $$ Setrallypoint $$playersay BOFF1_NAME, go over there!$$bind_load_file keybinds/bind_boff_2.txt$$bind_load_file keybinds/RallyPointClear.txt" ""
Step 3: Next, make the exact same edit to the keybinds/bind_boff_1.txt file.
Steps 4 through 6: Repeat step 3 for each of the three remaining boff files (bind_boff_2.txt, bind_boff_3.txt, and bind_boff_4.txt) in the keybinds/ directory. Be sure to use each of your remaining away team members’ full names.
Step 7: Use the following command to load the keybinds in-game:
/bind_load_file awayteambinds.txt
Alternatively, you can copy the contents of “awayteambinds.txt” into your own keybind file, but you still need to copy the “keybinds” folder.
Notes & Customization Suggestions:
Pressing “B” doubles as a target call-out in local chat, even if you don’t have any boffs with you. This is great for getting your team mates to coordinate, but be aware that you are spamming local chat and adjust if necessary.
The other call-outs are sent to “/playersay”, which is private to the player. Unfortunately, “/playersay” can’t accept the $target variable.
Pressing B will cause your boffs to attack your target even if they are in Passive mode, but they will remain in Passive mode after the target is killed. This is great for more precise control.
The “hold position” command only seems to work if a rally point has been set. The “follow” command still functions, but is of limited use without “hold”.
The Shift+B command attempts to cycle through all 4 boffs, even if you only have 1 or 2 boffs with you. It does this by re-binding Shift+B with the contents of the next file with each press. If you only want to cycle through 2 boffs, you can modify the following line in the bind_boff_2.txt file (so that the cycle goes back to the first boff, instead of going on to the third). Just change the highlighted bind_boff_3.txt to bind_boff_1.txt:
shift+b "Target BOFF2_NAME $$ Setrallypoint $$playersay BOFF2_NAME, go over there!$$bind_load_file keybinds/bind_boff_3.txt$$bind_load_file keybinds/RallyPointClear.txt" ""
Alternatively, if you only want to control your first bridge officer with Shift+B, you can use this in awayteambinds.txt (replace the existing line):
shift+b "Target BOFF1_NAME $$ Setrallypoint $$playersay BOFF1_NAME, go over there!$$bind_load_file keybinds/RallyPointClear.txt" ""
File Contents
Here are the contents of awayteambinds.txt (with the bridge officer’s name highlighted):
|Banana Binds! These are Away Team Keybinds created by Plan Tain.
|A test to verify that the bind file loaded successfully and didn't have any errors:
ctrl+m "say Bind file found, but did not load completely. Probable errors." ""
|Rebind "shooter mode toggle" from the "B" key to "Shift+P". Seriously, nobody should shooter mode on PC.
shift+p "ControlSchemeCycle" ""
|Boff Controls
|Press "B" to send all your pets (boffs and any combat pets) to attack your current target:
b "PetCommands_SetAllToOwnerAttackTarget$$playersay Focus fire on my target!" ""
|Press "Shift+B" to set individual waypoints for your bridge officers. On the first press, set a waypoint for your first boff. On the next press, set a waypoint for your second bridge officer. Each subsequent press will cycle through your bridge officers to set individual waypoints:
shift+b "Target BOFF1_NAME $$ Setrallypoint $$playersay BOFF1_NAME, go over there!$$bind_load_file keybinds/bind_boff_2.txt$$bind_load_file keybinds/RallyPointClear.txt" ""
|Press "Alt+B" to toggle between setting a group rally point and clearing all rally points. Notes: If any rally points have been set using Shift+B, this will clear all rally points first. Resets Shift+B to the first officer in the cycle:
alt+b "Setrallypoint$$playersay Rally Here.$$bind_load_file keybinds/RallyPointClear.txt$$bind_load_file keybinds/PetsFollow.txt" ""
|Press "Control+B" to toggle your away team between holding their current position (only if a Rally Point has been set) and following you:
ctrl+b "PetCommands_SetAllToHoldPosition$$playersay Hold up!$$bind_load_file keybinds/PetsFollow.txt" ""
|A test to verify that the bind file loaded successfully and didn't have any errors:
ctrl+m "say Bind file loaded successfully." ""