Category: STO
Fleet Akira Heavy Strike Wing Escort (T6)
Because of it’s limited 4/3 weapons layout, I ruled out a torpedo (which I always try to include for fun). To me, a Cannon: Scatter Volley build has always fit this ship best. It’s a little heavy on the Tac seating, but the bigger issue is the outdated and inferior specialization seating. Having only a […]
Away Team Keybinds
Control your bridge officers (boffs) with one key. I use the “B” key, because B is for Bridge Officer! B Tell all pets (boffs and any combat pets) to attack your current target. Shift+B On the first press, set a waypoint for your first boff. On the next press, set a waypoint for your second […]
This is a collection and comparison of the differences between the Tactical, Science, and Engineer career choices. This is an important decision because of the considerable time (measured in months and years) and money (measured in the thousands of $) investments required to take a character all the way to “the max”. And many of […]
Elite Bridge Officers
This is a comparison of an Elite-upgraded Bridge Officer (BOFF) to standard BOFFs and other pets. Consider the following two parses: Here are the numbers for the four BOFFs from the first parse: Bridge Officer Damage DPS Standard BOFF 4 94287 87.72 Elite BOFF 90353 84.07 Standard BOFF 2 85454 79.51 Standard BOFF 3 82597 […]
I put this together a couple months ago and it has become my go-to ship for getting things done quickly. It’s fast and very powerful. So far, I’ve managed 765k DPS in ISE channel runs. SPACE Basic Information Data Ship Name D.V. Rotten Banana Ship Class Legendary Jem’Hadar Vanguard Pilot Attack Ship Ship Tier T6-X […]
BOFF Remodulation
Mission: A Gathering Darkness, Elite difficulty (The Rescue checkpoint) My standard Away Team, except that I broke their Omega armor set by giving each one a random armor. This was to prevent the Omega set’s built-in remodulation. Each BOFF has a Fractal Remodulator (from Defera). The test: I do not use any weapon or damaging […]
Red Alerts: ~3 minutes each if you can guarantee that speed yourself (without relying on team mates). ~20 runs per hour. 52 marks per run; ~1040 marks per hour (20×52). 480 dil ore per run; ~9600 dil ore per hour. Normal R&D Materials; ~x20 per hour. Duration ~3 minutes Runs per hour ~20 Marks […]
After processing the great feedback from the folks at r/stobuilds (seriously, some really significant improvements), I’ve refined my Legendary Scimitar Surgical Strikes build into something I’m very satisfied with by adding in a torpedo and Concentrate Firepower. It pulled 601k DPS in it’s inaugural ISE channel run. Great team! My piloting was empirically not so […]
See part 2 with new updates here! Exploring the reworked Surgical Strikes (SS) ability from the Intel specialization with the Legendary Scimitar. The bridge officer seating of this ship is remarkably flexible with SS, and I think multiple variants are worth exploring. Here I’m sharing what I’ve started with and hopefully we can identify things […]