Control your bridge officers (boffs) with one key. I use the “B” key, because B is for Bridge Officer! B Tell all pets (boffs and any combat pets) to attack your current target. Shift+B On the first press, set a waypoint for your first boff. On the next press, set a waypoint for your second […]
Category: Ground Combat
Elite Bridge Officers
This is a comparison of an Elite-upgraded Bridge Officer (BOFF) to standard BOFFs and other pets. Consider the following two parses: Here are the numbers for the four BOFFs from the first parse: Bridge Officer Damage DPS Standard BOFF 4 94287 87.72 Elite BOFF 90353 84.07 Standard BOFF 2 85454 79.51 Standard BOFF 3 82597 […]
BOFF Remodulation
Mission: A Gathering Darkness, Elite difficulty (The Rescue checkpoint) My standard Away Team, except that I broke their Omega armor set by giving each one a random armor. This was to prevent the Omega set’s built-in remodulation. Each BOFF has a Fractal Remodulator (from Defera). The test: I do not use any weapon or damaging […]
Ranged Build (Tactical)
This powerful ground build is based around an unusually strong, vendor-sold primary weapon and mission reward items (obtainable at any level, post tutorial). I think it is great for both new and experienced players alike. While some of the items listed are more expensive, the bones of the build are not, and you can safely […]
Solo TFO: Cat’s Tale
UPDATED: 8 minute, 20 second run here: I think this Halloween Event TFO is easiest solo, because an uneducated teammate – or troll – can really halt progress. Here is a video of a 13 minute, 20 second run. I did not try to get the cats, but I think I hit all the candles […]
Melee Build (Tactical)
The Mind Meld Device from the Discovery reputation finally makes melee more than just a Barbie choice in STO! I intended this build to test the limits of pure melee, so all of the kits are centered around buffing my damage: That is a combined 91.2% Melee Crit Chance and 642% Melee Crit Severity! Those […]
Ground Gear & Devices
While Kits & Modules will vary with profession and build, the following equipment is widely considered “best in slot” for every ground build at this time: Burnham’s CQC Armor Na’kuhl Temporal Operative Personal Shield Na’kuhl Temporal Operative Minigun Burnham’s armor, and the Na’Kuhl shield and weapon are generally considered best-in-slot for all ground builds. The […]
Ground Skill Tree
On the ground, even more so than in space, a strong offense is also the best defense. I am of the opinion that there really is one “best” skill tree for everything ground, and this is it:
What makes a ground gun the “best”? Single big hits? The ability to hit multiple enemies at once (AE damage)? Rate of fire? Specific enemies? There’s a lot to it, and the best answer is that there isn’t one best weapon for every situation. But what about the best weapon for the most situations? The […]